Image - Lovise Steinrud/ArktiskMat

Image - Lovise Steinrud/ArktiskMat

September 15th - 17th
Mosjøen, Norway

Arktisk Mat (Arctic Food) is a gathering of chefs, culinary students, farmers and food heads held annually in the beautiful town of Mosjøen in Nothern Norway. Started by chef Per Theodor Tørrissen and sea urchin diver and shellfish guru Roderick Sloan, and organised by and based at the Mosjøen Videregående Skole the festival examines the food culture of the North with meals, workshops and discussions. This year's theme is ROOTS, and this year being the 100th anniversary of the first Sami congress it will look at the history and culture of the region's indigenous people.

This year, the festival's third, Blanch & Shock have been asked to cook a special dinner and give a talk about the dinner. We will be joining forces with our friend and frequent collaborator Josh Evans, former Head of Research at Nordic Food Lab in Copenhagen and co-author of On Eating Insects: Essays, Stories and Recipes (Phaidon, 2017) , to cook a dinner over an open fire using ingredients from the nearby waters and mountains.