IllyGaleria at FLOS Lighting, Clerkenwell
September, 2011

As part of London Design Week we were asked to create a coffee based menu to be served at an event to celebrate the latest lighting products designed by Marcel Wanders. The event was held in the Illy Galleria space at FLOS lighting in Clerkenwell, with Illy's Jedi-like baristas serving  coffees upstairs, and surrounded by the technicoloured lighting and furniture displays downstairs, we built our 'modernist coffee' stations.

We use liquid nitrogen to create aerated and frozen structures of chocolate, made coffee microwave 'sponges' using Nitrous Oxide to be served with brown butter, and nitrogen ice cream from milk and cream infused with pain-au-chocolat. We served malt and coffee crumbs with a UHT single serve milk pots' filled with cobnut milk to be poured over the grounds.

Pictures by Richard Bailey for Illy Galeria