The underside of a birch sap and pu’er tea kombucha. The birch sap kombucha was given to me as a liquid at Nordic Food Lab, having been made with reduced sap and and honey/verbena kombucha starter. I recently fed it 200g Pu’er tea, sweetened with a tablespoon of raw forest honey, and the scoby started to form three days later.
A salad I made for staff lunch today at Nordic Food Lab. An iceberg lettuce with pine-infused oil and apple vinegar, compressed in a chamber vacuum machine, with toasted flax seeds and buckwheat. The compression idea is inspired by Ben Shewry’s ‘Lettuce in it’s natural state’ from his book, Origin
A frame from a Spanish beehive, containing honeycomb, fermented pollen and brood drone. For an eloquent expression of why we have it, see the blog post written by Josh Evans, researcher at Nordic Food Lab in Copenhagen
A bread mother which i started a couple of days ago on the Nordic Food Lab boat. I stoneground red wheat, buckwheat and rye grain in this great wooden mill, and when i next checked it, it had formed a bright purple skin, and smelled of tangy and sweet mushrooms
A Hissing Cockroach, kindly donated by Copenhagen Zoo, blanched and fried with butter, onions and thyme by Ben Reade at Nordic Food Lab. The flesh (if we can call it that) is somewhat similar in texture to overcooked brown crab meat, and the taste is slightly sweet, although obfuscated rather by the onions. As far as breakfasts go, it is unequalled in adventurousness.
Check out the video, edited by Anna Caballero
Breakfast at Nordic Food Lab. Porridge with birch syrup and cream infused with beeswax
Day 2 at the Nordic Food Lab and we are eating our fears, including this lovely big locust.