October 5, 2012 Vodka infused by nitrogen cavitation with buckthorn bark. For a cocktail made with damson juice, honey and apple vinegar for a birthday dinner.
October 3, 2012 One of the best rooms in London. The meat fridge at The Butchery in Bermondsey @naththebutcher
October 2, 2012 Cured pork sausages drying in a butcher’s shop in Carovigno, Puglia. These were four days into a twenty four day aging.
October 2, 2012 First sauerkraut/kimchi experiment. Shredded cabbage pickling in salt with aleppo pepper flakes, star anise and roast hay-infused honey. Coming up to three weeks old. Inspired by the arrival of “Wild Fermentation” by Sandor Katz (@sandorkraut)
October 2, 2012 Dried hawthorn berries. I have six barbary duck breasts curing in a mixture of salt, sugar, pepper, ground hawthorn berries, ground dried borage, roast hay and chipotle chile, to make ham.
October 2, 2012 Red peppercorns, picked from a tree in the countryside near Brindisi in Puglia, Italy. The plan is to dry them, and to infuse the aromatic leaves into olive oil.
August 30, 2012 The makings of a brine. Pasilla chile seeds, chipotle (morita), bay, charred garlic, alderwood smoked salt
August 27, 2012 The surface of a @mikeknowlden focaccia, from the South dinner @theenduranceldn with David Boycott
August 26, 2012 And in the red corner, Celtic Promise, which literally smells like wild animals @mootowncheese
August 26, 2012 Bermondsey Spa, a ridiculously smelly cheese from @mootowncheese, washed in Kernel stout. Not for the weak
August 24, 2012 Lovage paste, made by juicing lovage and straining through paper. As read about in @fool_magazine